Blood test for colorectal cancer is more accurate than colonoscopy
Bifocals in the elderly double your risk of falling
“Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice.” Thich Nhat Hanh
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1. Blood test for colorectal cancer for those over 45 with average risk for disease more accurate than colonoscopy.
2. Bifocals in the elderly double your risk of falling.
3. Only half of people with Glaucoma are aware of it.
4. New schizophrenia drug, Cobenfy, twice daily pill, also works for overactive bladder.
5. Cryptic exons enable delivery of therapies only to sick neurons in a ALS and Parkinsons.
6. Closing in on cures for all cancers - Delta gamma T cells.
7. 150 should be normal in 100 yrs, based on development of anti-aging technologies.
8. Markers found for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's.
9. Israel’s Nym Health does medical coding automatically, saving time and costs.
10. Pro-inflammatory diet contributed to the increased risk of cognitive impairment.
11. High-Salt Diet mediates the development of multiple diseases.
12. William Shatner joined the Oversight Committee for the 130-Year Human Lifespan trials.
13. Use young mitochondria to restore cellular energy and reverse loss of complex biological mass.
14. The new technology for mitochondrial replacement and its potential for reversing human aging.
15. A weight loss miracle by John Barban, is 30 minutes of his hype and a scam.
Blood test for colorectal cancer for those over 45 with average risk for disease more accurate than colonoscopy.
Bifocals in the elderly double your risk of falling. (APHA)
Glaucoma is caused by fluid building up in the front part of your eye, increasing pressure and damaging the optic nerve. About 3 million Americans have glaucoma, but only half are aware of it.
Science 4 Oct-pg 8 – New schizophrenia drug, Cobenfy, twice daily pill, also works for overactive bladder. Pg 24 – Crptic exons enable deliveruy of therapies only to sick neurons in a motor neuron disease. For ALS (amyotrphic lateral sclerosis), this works. Also likely to work for other brain diseases like Parkinson’s. pg 37-Closing in on cures for all cancers. Delta gamma T cells target and kill cancer cells missed by alpha beta T cells.
GRG The people who actually change the world for the better, can always see and proceed with the optimistic path forward. Despite the people who say they are wasting their time. We’ll get there! 150 should be quite normal in 100 years, based on accelerating development of anti-aging technologies.
Markers for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's. A team of researchers led by Hebrew University has mapped millions of brain cells in 437 patients, discovering molecular markers that indicate future onset of Alzheimer’s disease some 20 years in advance of symptoms. The discovery will help development of early treatments.
Medical coding is at the heart of the American medical record system. It usually requires a trained coder to analyze and convert patient records into US-recognized codes. Israel’s Nym Health does medical coding automatically, saving time and costs, while improving accuracy, and achieving compliance.
The Association Between Inflammatory Dietary Pattern and Risk of Cognitive Impairment Among Older Adults with Chronic Diseases and Its Multimorbidity: A Cross-Sectional Study. Pro-inflammatory diet contributed to the increased risk of cognitive impairment (CI) in older adults with diabetes and multimorbidity. These results supplemented vital evidence for the prevention and treatment of CI in older adults with chronic diseases.
Immune Dysregulation Orchestrated by High-Salt Diet: Mechanistic Insights into Disease Pathogenesis. High-Salt Diet mediates the development of multiple diseases by regulating the differentiation and activation of a variety of immune cells, and the underlying mechanisms may be related to gut microbes and their metabolites.
GRG: We were lucky recently to get actor and astronaut William Shatner join on the Oversight Committee for our planned 130-Year Human Lifespan trials, planned for potentially mid-2025. Also Space Shuttle astronaut Scott Parazynski MD is on our Board of Directors, we've got an all-star cast of aging scientists from UCLA and Stanford running it, and finally a volunteer group of 30 awesome people in their 70s-90s (many of which are on this board)
The plan is to use Bioreactor-grown young mitochondria, transfused in rather large quantities into the body, to restore cellular energy and reverse loss of complex biological mass. We estimate that a fully mitochondrial treatment is maybe 5-10,000X greater regeneration compared to a typical stem cell treatment (100s of trillions of mitochondria compared to 150 million stem cells typically)
A reader asked me about a weight loss miracle by John Barban, Univ of Florida, who has an endless video about the fabulous solution he has developed that will make you skinny and healthy while you stuff yourself with donuts. I listened to about 30 minutes of his hype, but finally gave up before he said what his product was. I googled him and his publications, and found he has no peer-reviewed publications, no legitimate publications about the fabulously successful clinical trials he has done with thousands of patients with experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, etc. I suggest that any pitch that fails the elevator test is a worthless scam. Wegovy injections are a legitimate way to lose weight.
As some of you know, I write a regular bi-monthly science column for Analog SF&F Magazine called "The Alternate View". My AV column for the November-December-2024 issue is now online at the Analog site and is also available from my AV Archive site at: It discusses the new technology for mitochondrial replacement and its potential for reversing human aging.
Regards, John Cramer [GRG]